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主要案例Main Projects

Georgian Wine China Marketing Campaign


VinosVivo Wine Media is the China strategic partner of Meiburg Wine Media and the National Wine Agency of Georgia since 2020 for Georgian wines' national marketing campaign in China. Press releases and various tasting events including masterclass, road show, lunch and dinner for media and the trade were successfully organized, including the Georgian Wine China Roadshow in Shanghai, Chengdu & Shenzhen in 2020 & 2021, with 20+ wineries and 100+ wines showcased at each city and 600+ wine professionals attended in three cities each year.


As a result, Georgian wine export to China in 2021 was increased by 29% on 2020, and in January 2022, a 514% increase on January 2021.


自 2020 年起,国际美酒之声成为 Meiburg Wine Media 和格鲁吉亚国家葡萄酒局的中国战略合作伙伴,负责格鲁吉亚葡萄酒在中国的全国营销活动,包括:新闻稿件编译及媒体分发、大师班、城市路演、媒体午宴、酒商晚宴等等。2020 年及 2021 年,格鲁吉亚美酒中国路演分别在上海、成都和深圳成功举办,每年有600多名酒类从业人参加。



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On-Site Tasting+Virtual Meeting (for Five Family Wineries)


An effective way for wineries to promote & sell wines in the time of COVID-19. VinosVivo Wine Media and WineBM Korea co-organized a tasting dinner in April 2021 at the bar & lounge of Four-Season Hotel in Shenzhen and the Pontis Ristorante in InterContinental Chengdu. A Shenzhen importer bought two containers of wine later from two Argentinian wineries (Staphyle & Claroscuro), and a few other importers were interested in wines from two French chateaux (Ch. Tourteau Chollet & Haut Peyrat).

这是2021年4月疫情开始初期,国际美酒之声与韩国WineBM公司通过组织线下+线上品酒会,让国内酒商与国外酿酒师能够通过网上面对面交流,以及线下集体品鉴,以帮助国外酒庄在中国进行品牌推广,并搭建进口与分销渠道。此活动方式当时在中国酒行业比较领先、得到业界的普遍好评。两场活动分别在深圳四季酒店与成都洲际酒店进行,活动后有深圳一进口商从两家阿根廷的酒庄(Staphyle和Claroscuro)采购两个货柜的酒,另有9位进口商对法国两家精品酒庄(Ch. Tourteau Chollet & Haut Peyrat)的多款葡萄酒产生兴趣。

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 Our Language: 2021 Fenjiu International Premium Event in Shanghai 

“汾”享 我们的语言,汾酒国际营销活动上海站

Co-organized in 2021 by VinosVivo Wine Media, Degustar International Wine Consultants and Daily Journal in Shanghai for Fenjiu Distillery, one of China’s iconic baijiu brands. 40+ international wine & spirits opinion leaders and professionals in the food & beverage sector were invited to taste the premium Fenjiu through baijiu masterclass, dinner, baijiu cocktails, Fenjiu infused liqueur and chocolates. Guests were thrilled to attend their first-time Baijiu Masterclass dinner and learn baijiu’s unique history, production techniques, tasting methods and drinking cultures.

这是国际美酒之声、每日食品评论与Degustar International Wine Consultants 为汾酒策划与协办的汾酒国际系列主题推广活动,在2021年4月上海鲁能JW万豪侯爵酒店举行。40多位国际烈酒与餐饮界意见领袖与专业人士参加,通过中英双语呈现汾酒品鉴大师班、晚宴、汾酒鸡尾酒DIY、酒心巧克力、纯饮品鉴等方式品尝不同系列的汾酒产品。活动取得空前成功,得到汾酒领导和嘉宾们的一致好评,以及业界的高度关注,成为白酒国际化推广的标杆活动之一。

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International PAR Organic Wine Award 2021


This is one of the most significant organic wine competitions worldwide, taking place on May 07-10, 2021. 812 organic wines from 21 countries submitted, of which 19 were from China. VinosVivo Wine Media collaborated with the competition's Asian ambassador to organize Chinese wineries to participate in the competition.


Old Pulteney Scotch Whiskey Press Masterclass in Guangdong


Co-organized with Cru Magazine Hong Kong in Feb. 2019 by the founding team of VinosVivo Wine Media. 40+ Chinese journalists in wine, spirits, food, fashion, lifestyle, radio & TV stations and a few whisky connoisseurs attended the event, bringing 20+ media reports afterword, and some bought bottles that day.

这是国际美酒之声创始团队与香港专业美酒杂志Cru Magazine共同策划组织。活动于2019年2月在广东东莞举办。国际美酒之声创始团队邀请了40多位葡萄酒、烈酒、美食、时尚、生活方式与广播电视台的媒体记者,以及多位威士忌资深行家参加这一屡获殊荣的苏格兰威士忌——富特尼在广东的媒体品鉴大师班。20多家媒体报导了此活动和品牌,也有多位媒体记者和威士忌鉴赏家向品牌方购买了富特尼(Old Pulteney)调酒大师签名版的威士忌产品。

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2017 World Spirits Cultural Summit


Co-organized by Beijing Yunjiu Media and the founding team member of VinosVivo Wine Media in 2017, featuring the world’s six major spirits, Baijiu, Brandy, Whisky, Vodka, Rum and Tequila. 400+ audiences attended, including world-class producers, distributors & entrepreneurs, such as Moutai, Fenjiu, Bacardi, Luzhou Laojiao, Wuliangye, etc.


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B601, Buiding 3, 1956 Creative Park, 136 Nantou Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China


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